ARK Dev Kitで日本語化にチャレンジしてるけど、時間がなくてあまり調べられてない・・・
≫ Unreal Engine 4で日本語フォントを作る方法
≫ http://jdimensional.com/ark-map/
ARK: Survival Evolved Commandline Arguments
Server.exe TheIsland?listen?ServerCrosshair=true?MapPlayerLocation=true
Commandline Argument | Effect |
ServerPVE | PVPモードを無効にします。他のプレイヤーを殺せなくなります |
ServerHardcore | Hardcoreモード!死ぬとキャラクターはレベル1になります |
ServerCrosshair | 十字の照準を表示 |
ServerForceNoHud | HUDの表示 |
AltSaveDirectoryName | 別のディレクトリにサーバデータを保存します。 |
GlobalVoiceChat | ボイスチャットがグローバルになり、誰もが互いを聞くことができます |
NoTributeDownloads | キャラクター/恐竜の外部サーバーへのダウンロードをオフにします |
AllowThirdPersonPlayer | 三人称視点モードを有効にします |
AllowsNotifyPlayerLeft | 誰かがサーバーを離れるときにメッセージを表示します |
DontAlwaysNotifyPlayerJoined | 誰かがサーバーに参加したときに、メッセージを無効にします |
MapPlayerLocation | マップに自分の位置を表示させます |
DifficultyOffset=0 to 1 | 0は正常であり、かつ1は、X3硬く、より多くの戦利品であること、サーバー上の難易度を変更します |
bDisableStructureDecayPVE | 無人のままにした場合の建物の崩壊/破壊を有効にします |
bAllowFlyerCarryPVE | 飛べる恐竜が他の恐竜などを掴んで運ぶことが出来るか |
MaxStructuresInRange=1300 | 一定の範囲内で許可される建物の数を変更します |
EnablePVPGamma | あなたが夜にご使用のサーバー用のガンマをオンにすることができます |
DayCycleSpeedScale=1 | 1日の昼間の長さを変更 |
NightTimeSpeedScale=1 | 1日の夜間の長さを変更 |
DayTimeSpeedScale=1 | 1日の長さ |
DinoDamageMultiplier=1.000000 | 恐竜の攻撃力 |
PlayerDamageMultiplier=1.000000 | プレイヤーの攻撃力 |
StructureDamageMultiplier=1.000000 | 建物攻撃時の攻撃力 |
PlayerResistanceMultiplier=1.000000 | プレイヤーの防御力 |
DinoResistanceMultiplier=1.000000 | 恐竜の防御力 |
StructureResistanceMultiplier=1.000000 | 建物の防御力 |
XPMultiplier=1.000000 | 獲得XPの量を変更します |
TamingSpeedMultiplier=1 | Tamingの速度を変更 |
HarvestAmountMultiplier=1 | 収穫から得られた物質の量を変更します |
PlayerCharacterWaterDrainMultiplier=1 | プレイヤーの酸素値の減り方を変更 |
PlayerCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier=1 | プレイヤーのFood値の減り方を変更 |
DinoCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier=1 | 恐竜のFood値の減り方を変更 |
PlayerCharacterStaminaDrainMultiplier=1 | プレイヤーのスタミナ値の減り方を変更 |
DinoCharacterStaminaDrainMultiplier=1 | 恐竜のスタミナ値の減り方を変更 |
PlayerCharacterHealthRecoveryMultiplier=1 | プレイヤーのHealthの自然回復量を変更 |
DinoCharacterHealthRecoveryMultiplier=1 | 恐竜のHealthの自然回復量を変更 |
DinoCountMultiplier=1 | サーバーの恐竜の量を変更します |
HarvestHealthMultiplier=1 | 収穫健康乗数を変更 |
PvEStructureDecayDestructionPeriod=0 | PvEに置いての建物の崩壊期間を変更します |
ClampResourceHarvestDamage | 恐竜の近接ダメージ%は収穫量に影響するかどうかを有効にします |
ResourcesRespawnPeriodMultiplier=1 | リソース復活時間を変更します |
KickIdlePlayersPeriod=2400 | AFKキックタイマーを変更します |
AutoSavePeriodMinutes = 15 | サーバーが保存する頻度の変更 |
Multiplayer Admin Commands
管理者としてログイン する方法Tabキーでコンソールを立ち上げる
例= enablecheats pass123
リスト各行にSteam64 IDのあなたはチートコマンドの認可を希望するここから、これらのユーザーは、管理者としてログインせずにチートずることができるようになります。
Command | Effect |
ShowMyAdminManager | Admin用のUIを表示 |
enablecheats | 管理者としてログイン |
setcheatplayer true/false | チートメニューの有効/無効 |
cheat AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck | Whitelists the persons Steam ID |
cheat DisallowPlayerToJoinNoCheck | Removes the persons whitelist |
cheat SetMessageOfTheDay | Sets a message of the day that appears when people join the server |
cheat broadcast | Broadcasts a message to everyone on the server, and forces their chat window to open |
cheat god | Enables godmode, you can not die except you can still drown |
cheat fly | Allows you to fly |
cheat walk | Deactivates flying and allows you to walk again |
cheat teleport | Teleports you to coords 0 0 0 (X Y Z) |
cheat slomo 5 | Changes the speed on the server such as player movement, use slomo 1 to revert to normal speed |
cheat playersonly | Freezes absolutely everything except players, this even includes crafting |
cheat ghost | Turns on noclip, you are able to walk through walls and objects |
cheat forcetame | Instantly tames a dinosaur, you can even ride it without a saddle |
cheat addexperience 1000 0 0 | Gives you 1000xp, you can change the value and if you change the second 0 to a 1 it will share the xp among your tribe |
cheat giveresources | Gives you 50 of all resources |
cheat infinitestats | Gives you infinite hunger, stamina and infinite ammo |
cheat listplayers | Shows a list of all players on the server with their SteamID |
cheat kickplayer | Kicks the person from the server |
banplayer | Bans the user from the server |
unbanplayer | Unbans the user from the server |
cheat destroyallenemies | Destroys all enemies, they respawn eventually |
cheat hurtme | Deals x amount of damage to yourself |
togglegun | Toggles the visibility of your currently equipped weapon/tool |
cheat settimeofday | Changes the time of day, for example cheat settimeofday 12:00 |
cheat setplayerpos 0 0 0 | Allows you to teleport to coords coord map[jdimensional.com] |
cheat saveworld | Saves the current worldstate |
cheat quit | Exits the current world, use after saving for a safe shutdown |
cheat execsetsleeping true/false | Puts your character to sleep/wakes them up |
cheat enemyinvisible true/false | Makes all creatures ignore you even if you attack them |
cheat destroyall | destroys all objects/dinosaurs of a classname, refer to the dinosaur or item lists for specific classnames, also works with structures structure list [www.dropbox.com] dino list [www.dropbox.com] |
cheat summon | Summons a dinosaur at your location. A list of all dinosaurs can be found dino list here [www.dropbox.com] . This command can also be used to summon structures, structures will be rotated depending on the players viewing direction structure list [www.dropbox.com] |
cheat giveitemnum | Gives you an item, the list of items with their ID's can be found here[www.dropbox.com] example giveitemnum 1 1 1 false gives you a simple pistol and giveitemnum 1 1 100 false gives you an ascendant simple pistol |
cheat givetome | Makes any structure/dino you are currently looking at yours |
stat fps | Shows your fps, usable by anyone. commands do not need to be enabled for this |
Singleplayer / Local Admin Commands
Command | Effect |
setcheatplayer true/false | enables/disables the cheat menu |
god | Enables godmode, you can not die except you can still drown |
fly | Allows you to fly |
walk | Deactivates flying and allows you to walk again |
teleport | Teleports you to coords 0 0 0 (X Y Z) |
slomo 5 | Changes the speed on the server such as player movement, use slomo 1 to revert to normal speed |
playersonly | Freezes absolutely everything except players, this even includes crafting |
ghost | Turns on noclip, you are able to walk through walls and objects |
forcetame | Instantly tames a dinosaur, you can even ride it without a saddle |
addexperience 1000 0 0 | Gives you 1000xp, you can change the value and if you change the second 0 to a 1 it will share the xp among your tribe |
giveresources | Gives you 50 of all resources |
infinitestats | Gives you infinite hunger, stamina and infinite ammo |
pause | pauses the server, including yourself |
destroyallenemies | Destroys all enemies, they respawn eventually |
hurtme | Deals x amount of damage to yourself |
togglegun | Toggles the visibility of your currently equipped weapon/tool |
settimeofday | Changes the time of day, for example cheat settimeofday 12:00 |
setplayerpos 0 0 0 | Allows you to teleport to coords coord map[jdimensional.com] |
saveworld | Saves the current worldstate |
quit | Exits the current world, use after saving for a safe shutdown |
execsetsleeping true/false | Puts your character to sleep/wakes them up |
enemyinvisible true/false | Makes all creatures ignore you even if you attack them |
destroyall | destroys all objects/dinosaurs of a classname, refer to the dinosaur or item lists for specific classnames, also works with structures structure list [www.dropbox.com] dino list [www.dropbox.com] |
summon | Summons a dinosaur at your location. A list of all dinosaurs can be found dino list here [www.dropbox.com] . This command can also be used to summon structures, structures will be rotated depending on the players viewing direction structure list [www.dropbox.com] |
giveitemnum | Gives you an item, the list of items with their ID's can be found here[www.dropbox.com]example giveitemnum 1 1 1 false gives you a simple pistol and giveitemnum 1 1 100 false gives you an ascendant simple pistol |
givetome | Makes any dinosaur / structure you are looking at yours |
stat fps | Shows your fps, usable by anyone. commands do not need to be enabled for this |
cheat saveworld | Saves the current worldstate |
cheat quit | Exits the current world, use after saving for a safe shutdown |
cheat execsetsleeping true/false | Puts your character to sleep/wakes them up |
cheat enemyinvisible true/false | Makes all creatures ignore you even if you attack them |
cheat destroyall | destroys all objects/dinosaurs of a classname, refer to the dinosaur or item lists for specific classnames, also works with structures structure list [www.dropbox.com] dino list [www.dropbox.com] |
cheat summon | Summons a dinosaur at your location. A list of all dinosaurs can be found dino list here [www.dropbox.com] . This command can also be used to summon structures, structures will be rotated depending on the players viewing direction structure list [www.dropbox.com] |
cheat giveitemnum | Gives you an item, the list of items with their ID's can be found here[www.dropbox.com] example giveitemnum 1 1 1 false gives you a simple pistol and giveitemnum 1 1 100 false gives you an ascendant simple pistol |
cheat givetome | Makes any structure/dino you are currently looking at yours |
stat fps | Shows your fps, usable by anyone. commands do not need to be enabled for this |
Entity IDs
admincheat GiveItemNum <item_id> <quantity (1/100)> <quality (0/100)> <blueprint (true/false)>例:GiveItemNum 1 1 1 false
ID | Name | Category | Stack Size |
1 | Simple Pistol | Weapons | 1 |
2 | Assault Rifle | Weapons | 1 |
3 | Rocket Launcher | Weapons | 1 |
4 | Simple Bullet | Ammunition | 50 |
5 | Bow | Weapons | 1 |
6 | Grenade | Weapons | 10 |
7 | Wood | Resources | 100 |
8 | Stone | Resources | 100 |
9 | Metal | Resources | 100 |
10 | Hide | Resources | 100 |
11 | Chitin | Resources | 100 |
12 | Raw Meat | Consumables | 20 |
13 | Spoiled Meat | Consumables | 100 |
14 | Cooked Meat | Consumables | 30 |
15 | Water Jar (Empty) | Consumables | 1 |
16 | Water Jar (Full) | Consumables | 1 |
17 | Cloth Pants | Clothing | 1 |
18 | Cloth Shirt | Clothing | 1 |
19 | Cloth Hat | Clothing | 1 |
20 | Cloth Boots | Clothing | 1 |
21 | Cloth Gloves | Clothing | 1 |
22 | Hide Pants | Clothing | 1 |
23 | Hide Shirt | Clothing | 1 |
24 | Hide Hat | Clothing | 1 |
25 | Hide Boots | Clothing | 1 |
26 | Hide Gloves | Clothing | 1 |
27 | Chitin Leggings | Clothing | 1 |
28 | Chitin Chestpiece | Clothing | 1 |
29 | Chitin Helmet | Clothing | 1 |
30 | Chitin Boots | Clothing | 1 |
31 | Chitin Gauntlets | Clothing | 1 |
32 | Stone Arrow | Ammunition | 50 |
33 | Stone Pick | Tools | 1 |
34 | Stone Hatchet | Tools | 1 |
35 | Metal Pick | Tools | 1 |
36 | Metal Hatchet | Tools | 1 |
37 | Torch | Tools | 1 |
38 | Paintbrush | Tools | 1 |
39 | Campfire | Structures | 3 |
40 | Standing Torch | Structures | 3 |
41 | Hide Sleeping Bag | Structures | 3 |
42 | C4 Remote Detonator | Weapons | 1 |
43 | C4 Charge | Ammunition | 50 |
44 | Blood Extraction Syringe | Tools | 1 |
45 | Blood Pack | Resources | 100 |
46 | Improvised Explosive Device | Weapons | 10 |
47 | Water Skin (Empty) | Consumables | 1 |
48 | Water Skin (Full) | Consumables | 1 |
49 | Berry Bush Seeds | Farming | 100 |
50 | Fertilizer | Resources | 100 |
51 | Bingleberry Soup | Consumables | 100 |
52 | Medical Brew | Consumables | 100 |
53 | Energy Brew | Consumables | 100 |
54 | Small Dinosaur Feces | Farming | 1 |
55 | Human Feces | Farming | 1 |
56 | Stegosaurus Egg | Consumables | 100 |
57 | Spear | Weapons | 1 |
58 | Red Coloring | Dye | 100 |
59 | Green Coloring | Dye | 100 |
60 | Blue Coloring | Dye | 100 |
61 | Yellow Coloring | Dye | 100 |
62 | Purple Coloring | Dye | 100 |
63 | Orange Coloring | Dye | 100 |
64 | Black Coloring | Dye | 100 |
65 | White Coloring | Dye | 100 |
66 | Brown Coloring | Dye | 100 |
67 | Cyan Coloring | Dye | 100 |
68 | Purple Coloring | Dye | 100 |
69 | Tyrannosaurus saddle | Saddles | 1 |
70 | Tranquilizer Arrow | Ammunition | 50 |
71 | Pistol Hat Skins | Skins | 1 |
72 | GPS | Tools | 1 |
73 | Flint | Resources | 100 |
74 | Metal Ingot | Resources | 100 |
75 | Thatch | Resources | 100 |
76 | Fiber | Resources | 100 |
77 | Charcoal | Resources | 100 |
78 | Crystal | Resources | 100 |
79 | Thatch Roof | Structures | 100 |
80 | Thatch Door | Structures | 100 |
81 | Thatch Foundation | Structures | 100 |
82 | Thatch Wall | Structures | 100 |
83 | Thatch Doorframe | Structures | 100 |
84 | Wooden Catwalk | Structures | 100 |
85 | Wooden Ceiling | Structures | 100 |
86 | Wooden Hatchframe | Structures | 100 |
87 | Wooden Door | Structures | 100 |
88 | Wooden Foundation | Structures | 100 |
89 | Wooden Ladder | Structures | 100 |
90 | Wooden Pillar | Structures | 100 |
91 | Wooden Ramp | Structures | 100 |
92 | Wooden Trapdoor | Structures | 100 |
93 | Wooden Wall | Structures | 100 |
94 | Wooden Doorframe | Structures | 100 |
95 | Wooden Windowframe | Structures | 100 |
96 | Wooden Window | Structures | 100 |
97 | Wooden Sign | Structures | 100 |
98 | BluePrint Note | Blueprint | 1 |
99 | Citronal | Consumable | 100 |
100 | Parasaur Saddle | Saddles | 1 |
101 | Raptor Saddle | Saddles | 1 |
102 | Stego Saddle | Saddles | 1 |
103 | Trike Saddle | Saddles | 1 |
104 | Pulmonoscorpius Saddle | Saddles | 1 |
105 | Storage Box | Structures | 100 |
106 | Large Storage Box | Structures | 100 |
107 | Mortar And Pestle | Structures | 100 |
108 | Sparkpowder | Resources | 100 |
109 | Gunpowder | Resources | 100 |
110 | Stone Irrigation Pipe - Intake | Structures | 100 |
111 | Stone Irrigation Pipe - Straight | Structures | 100 |
112 | Stone Irrigation Pipe - Inclined | Structures | 100 |
113 | Stone Irrigation Pipe - Intersection | Structures | 100 |
114 | Stone Irrigation Pipe - Vertical | Structures | 100 |
115 | Stone Irrigation Pipe - Tap | Structures | 100 |
116 | Amarberry Seed | Farming | 100 |
117 | Amarberry | Consumable | 100 |
118 | Azulberry | Consumable | 100 |
119 | Tintoberry | Consumable | 100 |
120 | Mejoberry | Consumable | 100 |
121 | Narcoberry | Consumable | 100 |
122 | Stimberry | Consumable | 100 |
123 | Narcotic | Resources | 100 |
124 | Stimulant | Resources | 100 |
125 | Refining Forge | Structures | 100 |
126 | Smithy | Structures | 100 |
127 | Compost Bin | Structures | 100 |
128 | Cooking Pot | Structures | 100 |
129 | Simple Bed | Structures | 3 |
130 | Small Crop Plot | Structures | 100 |
131 | Pteranodon Saddle | Saddles | 1 |
132 | Longneck Rifle | Weapons | 1 |
133 | Citronal Seeds | Farming | 100 |
134 | Specimen Implant | Artifacts | 1 |
135 | Bronto Saddle | Saddles | 1 |
136 | Wooden Fence Foundation | Structures | 100 |
137 | Compass | Tools | 1 |
138 | Scope Weapons | Weapons | 1 |
139 | Slingshot | Weapons | 1 |
140 | Pike | Weapons | 1 |
141 | Radio | Tools | 1 |
142 | Obsidian | Resources | 100 |
143 | Dinosaur Gateway | Structures | 100 |
144 | Simple Rifle Ammunition | Ammunition | 50 |
145 | Summon Broodmother | Artifacts | 1 |
146 | Cementing Paste | Resources | 100 |
147 | Dinosaur Gate | Structures | 100 |
148 | Artifact Of The Hunter | Artifacts | 1 |
149 | Artifact Of The Pack | Artifacts | 1 |
150 | Artifact Of The Massive | Artifacts | 1 |
151 | Artifact Of The Devious | Artifacts | 1 |
152 | Artifact Of The Clever | Artifacts | 1 |
153 | Artifact Of The Skylord | Artifacts | 1 |
154 | Artifact Of The Devourer | Artifacts | 1 |
155 | Artifact Of The Queen | Artifacts | 1 |
156 | Artifact Of The Strong | Artifacts | 1 |
157 | Artifact Of The Flamekeeper | Artifacts | 1 |
158 | Argentavis Talon | Artifacts | 1 |
159 | Megalodon Tooth | Artifacts | 1 |
160 | Tyrannosaurus Arm | Artifacts | 1 |
161 | Sauropod Vertebra | Artifacts | 1 |
162 | Oil | Resources | 100 |
163 | Silica Pearls | Resources | 100 |
164 | Gasoline | Resources | 100 |
165 | Electronics | Resources | 100 |
166 | Polymer | Resources | 100 |
167 | Metal Catwalk | Structures | 100 |
168 | Metal Ceiling | Structures | 100 |
169 | Metal Hatchframe | Structures | 100 |
170 | Metal Door | Structures | 100 |
171 | Metal Fence Foundation | Structures | 100 |
172 | Metal Foundation | Structures | 100 |
173 | Behemoth Gate | Structures | 100 |
174 | Behemoth Gateway | Structures | 100 |
175 | Metal Ladder | Structures | 100 |
176 | Metal Pillar | Structures | 100 |
177 | Metal Ramp | Structures | 100 |
178 | Metal Trapdoor | Structures | 100 |
179 | Metal Wall | Structures | 100 |
180 | Metal Doorframe | Structures | 100 |
181 | Metal Windowframe | Structures | 100 |
182 | Metal Window | Structures | 100 |
183 | Super Test Meat(Raw) | Consumable | 20 |
184 | Flare Gun | Weapons | 1 |
185 | Fabricator | Structures | 100 |
186 | Water Tank | Structures | 100 |
187 | Parachute | Clothing | 20 |
188 | Air Conditioner | Structures | 100 |
189 | Electrical Generator | Structures | 100 |
190 | Electrical Outlet | Structures | 100 |
191 | Inclined Electrical Cable | Structures | 100 |
192 | Electrical Cable Intersection | Structures | 100 |
193 | Straight Electrical Cable | Structures | 100 |
194 | Vertical Electrical Cable | Structures | 100 |
195 | Lamppost | Structures | 100 |
196 | Refrigerator | Structures | 100 |
197 | Auto Turret | Structures | 1 |
198 | Remote Keypad | Structures | 100 |
199 | Metal Irrigation Pipe - Inclined | Structures | 100 |
200 | Metal Irrigation Pipe - Tap(Intake) | Structures | 100 |
201 | Metal Irrigation Pipe - Intersection | Structures | 100 |
202 | Metal Irrigation Pipe - Straight | Structures | 100 |
203 | Metal Irrigation Pipe - Tap | Structures | 100 |
204 | Metal Irrigation Pipe - Vertical | Structures | 100 |
205 | Flashlight Weapons | Weapons | 1 |
206 | Silencer Weapons | Weapons | 1 |
207 | Carbonemys Saddle | Saddles | 1 |
208 | Sarco Saddle | Saddles | 1 |
209 | Anklyo Saddle | Saddles | 1 |
210 | Mammoth Saddle | Saddles | 1 |
211 | Megalodon Saddle | Saddles | 1 |
212 | Sabertooth Saddle | Saddles | 1 |
213 | Carno Saddle | Saddles | 1 |
214 | Argentavis Saddle | Saddles | 1 |
216 | Chitin or Keratin | Resources | 100 |
217 | Keratin | Resources | 100 |
218 | Metal Sign | Structures | 100 |
219 | Holo-Scope Attachment | Attachments | 1 |
220 | Laser Attachment | Attachments | 1 |
221 | Wooden Billboard | Structures | 100 |
222 | Flak Leggings | Clothes | 1 |
223 | Flak Chestpiece | Clothes | 1 |
224 | Flak Helmet | Clothes | 1 |
225 | Flak Boots | Clothes | 1 |
226 | Flak Gauntlets | Clothes | 1 |
227 | Enduro Stew | Consumables | 100 |
228 | Lazarus Chowder | Consumables | 100 |
229 | Calien Soup | Consumables | 100 |
230 | Fria Curry | Consumables | 100 |
231 | Focal Chili | Consumables | 100 |
232 | Savaroot | Consumables | 100 |
233 | Longrass | Consumables | 100 |
234 | Rockarrot | Consumables | 100 |
235 | Azulberry Seed | Seed | 100 |
236 | Tintoberry Seed | Seed | 100 |
237 | Mejoberry Seed | Seed | 100 |
238 | Narcoberry Seed | Seed | 100 |
239 | Stimberry Seed | Seed | 100 |
240 | Savaroot Seed | Seed | 100 |
241 | Longrass Seed | Seed | 100 |
242 | Rockarrot Seed | Seed | 100 |
243 | Metal Billboard | Structures | 100 |
244 | Fabricated Pistol | Weapons | 1 |
245 | Advanced Bullet | Ammo | 50 |
246 | Advanced Rifle Bullet | Ammo | 50 |
247 | Rocket Propelled Grenade | Ammo | 50 |
248 | Medium Crop Plot | Structures | 100 |
249 | Large Crop Plot | Structures | 100 |
250 | Rare Flower | Resourcse | 100 |
251 | Rare Mushroom | Resources | 100 |
252 | Raw Prime Meat | Consumables | 1 |
253 | Cooked Prime Meat | Consumables | 30 |
254 | Battle Tartare | Consumables | 100 |
255 | Shadow Steak Saute | Consumables | 100 |
256 | Rockwell Recipes- Enduro Stew | Recipe | 1 |
257 | Rockwell Recipes- Lazarus Chowder | Recipe | 1 |
258 | Rockwell Recipes- Calien Soup | Recipe | 1 |
259 | Rockwell Recipes- Fria Curry | Recipe | 1 |
260 | Rockwell Recipes- Focal Chili | Recipe | 1 |
261 | Rockwell Recipes- Battle Tartare | Recipe | 1 |
262 | Rockwell Recipes- Shadow Steak Saute | Recipe | 1 |
263 | Notes on Rockwell Recipes | Recipe | 1 |
264 | Wooden Wall Sign | Structures | 100 |
265 | Metal Dinosaur Gateway | Structures | 100 |
266 | Metal Dinosaur Gate | Structures | 100 |
267 | Shotgun | Weapon | 1 |
268 | Simple Shotgun Ammo | Ammo | 50 |
269 | Metal Wall Sign | Structures | 100 |
270 | Amarberry Seed | Farming | 100 |
271 | Azulberry Seed | Farming | 100 |
272 | Tintoberry Seed | Farming | 100 |
273 | Narcoberry Seed | Farming | 100 |
274 | Stimberry Seed | Farming | 100 |
275 | Mejoberry Seed | Farming | 100 |
276 | Citronal Seed | Farming | 100 |
277 | Savaroot Seed | Farming | 100 |
278 | Longrass Seed | Farming | 100 |
279 | Rockarrot Seed | Farming | 100 |
280 | Flag | Structures | 100 |
281 | Hunter Hat Skin | Skins | 1 |
282 | Rex Stomped Glasses Saddle Skin | Skins | 1 |
283 | Spyglass | Tools | 1 |
284 | Spider Flag | Structures | 100 |
285 | Phiomia Saddle | Saddles | 1 |
286 | Medium Dinosaur Feces | Farming | 1 |
287 | Large Dinoasaur Feces | Farming | 1 |
288 | Brontosaurus Egg | Egg | 100 |
289 | Parasaur Egg | Egg | 100 |
290 | Raptor Egg | Egg | 100 |
291 | T-Rex Egg | Egg | 100 |
292 | Triceratops Egg | Egg | 100 |
293 | Parasaur ARK Founder Saddle Skin | Skins | 1 |
294 | Dodo Egg | Egg | 1 |
295 | Preserving Bin | Structures | 100 |
296 | Metal Spike Wall | Structures | 100 |
297 | Cooked Meat Jerky | Consumables | 30 |
298 | Prime Meat Jerky | Consumables | 30 |
299 | Rex Bone Helmet | Skins | 1 |
300 | Nerdry Glasses | Skins | 1 |
301 | Rockwell Recipes- Medical Brew | Recipe | 1 |
302 | Rockwell Recipes- Energy Brew | Recipe | 1 |
303 | Spino Saddle | Saddles | 1 |
304 | Rockwell Recipes- Meat Jerky | Recipe | 1 |
305 | Heavy Miner's Helmet | Clothing | 100 |
306 | Vault | Structures | 100 |
307 | Wooden Spike Wall | Structures | 100 |
308 | Dino Glasses Skin | Skins | 1 |
309 | Bookshelf | Structures | 100 |
310 | Stone Fence Foundation | Structures | 100 |
311 | Stone Wall | Structures | 100 |
312 | Metal Water Tank | Structures | 100 |
313 | Plesiosaur Saddle | Saddles | 1 |
314 | Ichthyosaurus Saddle | Saddles | 1 |
315 | Stone Ceiling | Structures | 100 |
316 | Stone Hatchframe | Structures | 100 |
317 | Reinforced Wooden Door | Structures | 100 |
318 | Stone Foundation | Structures | 100 |
319 | Reinforced Dinosaur Gate | Structures | 100 |
320 | Stone Dinosaur Gateway | Structures | 100 |
321 | Stone Pillar | Structures | 100 |
322 | Stone Doorframe | Structures | 100 |
323 | Stone Windowframe | Structures | 100 |
324 | Fireworks Flaregun Skin | Skins | 1 |
325 | Tripwire Narcotic Trap | Weapons | 10 |
326 | Tripwire Alarm Trap | Weapons | 10 |
327 | Kibble (Ankylo Egg) | Consumables | 100 |
328 | Kibble (Argentavis Egg) | Consumables | 100 |
329 | Kibble (Titanboa Egg) | Consumables | 100 |
330 | Kibble (Carno Egg) | Consumables | 100 |
331 | Kibble (Dilo Egg) | Consumables | 100 |
332 | Kibble (Dodo Egg) | Consumables | 100 |
333 | Kibble (Parasaur Egg) | Consumables | 100 |
334 | Kibble (Pteranodon Egg) | Consumables | 100 |
335 | Kibble (Raptor Egg) | Consumables | 100 |
336 | Kibble (Rex Egg) | Consumables | 100 |
337 | Kibble (Sarco Egg) | Consumables | 100 |
338 | Kibble (Bronto Egg) | Consumables | 100 |
339 | Kibble (Pulminoscorpius Egg) | Consumables | 100 |
340 | Kibble (Araneo Egg) | Consumables | 100 |
341 | Kibble (Spino Egg) | Consumables | 100 |
342 | Kibble (Stego Egg) | Consumables | 100 |
343 | Kibble (Trike Egg) | Consumables | 100 |
344 | Kibble (Carbonemys Egg) | Consumables | 100 |
345 | Ankylo Egg | Egg | 100 |
346 | Argentavis Egg | Egg | 100 |
347 | Titanboa Egg | Egg | 100 |
348 | Carno Egg | Egg | 100 |
349 | Dilo Egg | Egg | 100 |
350 | Pteranodon Egg | Egg | 100 |
351 | Sarco Egg | Egg | 100 |
352 | Pulminoscorpius Egg | Egg | 100 |
353 | Araneo Egg | Egg | 100 |
354 | Spino Egg | Egg | 100 |
355 | Turtle Egg | Egg | 100 |
356 | Rockwell Recipes- Egg-based Kibble | Recipe | 1 |
357 | Reinforced Window | Structures | 100 |
358 | Reinforced Trapdoor | Structures | 100 |
359 | Omnidirectional lamppost | Structures | 100 |
360 | Industrial Grill | Structures | 3 |
Creature IDs
恐竜を呼び出す際の恐竜別のIDです。例:admincheat summon <ID>
Entity Name | Entity ID |
Ankylosaurus | Ankylo_Character_BP_C |
Argentavis | Argent_Character_BP_C |
Bat | Bat_Character_BP_C |
Brontosaurus | Sauropod_Character_BP_C |
Broodmother_Lysrix | SpiderL_Character_BP_C |
Carbonemys | Turtle_Character_BP_C |
Carnotaurus | Carno_Character_BP_C |
Coelacanth | Coel_Character_BP_C |
Dilophosaur | Dilo_Character_BP_C |
Dodo | Dodo_Character_BP_C |
Ichthyosaurus | Dolphin_Character_BP_C |
Mammoth | Mammoth_Character_BP_C |
Megalodon | Megalodon_Character_BP_C |
Parasaur | Para_Character_BP_C |
Phiomia | Phiomia_Character_BP_C |
Piranha | Piranha_Character_BP_C |
Plesiosaurus | Plesiosaur_Character_BP_C |
Pteranodon | Ptero_Character_BP_C |
Raptor | Raptor_Character_BP_C |
Sabertooth | Saber_Character_BP_C |
Sarco | Sarco_Character_BP_C |
Scorpion | Scorpion_Character_BP_C |
Spider | SpiderS_Character_BP_C |
Spinosaur | Spino_Character_BP_C |
Stegosaurus | Stego_Character_BP_C |
Titanoboa | BoaFrill_Character_BP_C |
Triceratops | Trike_Character_BP_C |
Tyrannosaurus | Rex_Character_BP_C |
Testing Required / 自己責任でご使用ください!
下記コマンドは、コメントに記載された公式のリストに追加される前に検査を必要とされてきたものです。 ガイドのこの部分のすべてのコマンドは、彼らが台無しにサーバーをすることができ、必要とする完全なワイプ、ご自身の責任で使用してまで来ています。Command | Effect |
destroytarget | Destroys the object / dinosaur you are looking at, it can however destroy the entire floor of your world. Do not risk using this command *Broken* |
cheat damagetarget | Deals damage to the creature you are aiming at *Broken* |
debugstructures | Shows debug information of a structure if you look at it, information has no use at the moment |
switchlevel | testing |
giveengrams | gives you all crafting recipes but can and probably will crash your client/game server |
ARK: Survival Evolved Contributers
Contributor | Contribution |
Scatman | 15 commands & dinosaur id list |
Hostiletake0v3r | 6 commands |
JDimensionalGaming | 4 commands & item id list, dinosaur id list, coord list, coord map, updates to admin pack |
SpiRe | 2 commands |
4CrazyGreen | 1 command |
POGSARK | 1 command |
Falcon911 | 1 command |
Kappa | 1 command |
Jimmon | 1 command |
Gato | 1 command |
RuntheRedRaptor | 1 command |
98 | 1 command |